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Nano-hybrid Quantum Devices Laboratory

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목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
28 Commencement of Nam-Hee and Chang Geun (Aug. 19) Quantum Devices Laboratory 2,440 2022-09-02 파일 있음
27 Welcome, Mr. Gyung Hyun Jang QDL 2,348 2022-03-15  
26 Welcome Dr. Priyanath Mal QDL 2,129 2022-02-18  
25 Commencement of Jae-Yoon QDL 2,113 2022-02-18  
24 A farewell to Dr. Tae-Ha Hwang QDL 760 2021-12-31  
23 Welcome, Mr. Sanha Kim QDL 1,118 2021-09-13  
22 Commencement of Tae-Ha QDL 1,119 2021-02-19  
21 Farewell to Hong-Seok QDL 837 2021-01-27  
20 Best undergraduate research awards to Soohong & Geonwoo QDL 841 2020-12-29 파일 있음
19 Best Poster Award at the KPS meeting QDL 706 2020-11-17